When I let the engine sit for about 2 days and start it then it takes about 4 seconds of cranking time and then it starts but it shakes and sputters like its choked up with gas or somethin then when I feather the gas and get the rpms up to like 4 and let off its fine. What could possibly be choking it up!!?? I have new injectors so there not leaking, I was thinking headgasket leak but it dont appear to use any a/f. I had another car with a bad head gasket and it would start up fine just smoke on start without sputtering. The timing is correct, everything seems to be running okay. I also have a slight valve click noise seems to be a little louder then a normal motor would be but not anything that loud. I was having poor high end powerband issues but since I added LEX A/F,550 and advanced the timing to 13 BTDC its incredible to say the very least. I have all the other mods too 3 1/2 inch from turbo BC, Lex A/F,550, intake exc. At idle the mixture is lean so its not like its shutting down with excessive unburned fule either. WHAT COULD BE CHOKING UP MY MOTOR ON START UP?