e-brake cable problems


New Member
Nov 16, 2010
NW Georgia
i did a search about brake cables, and found little, most everything was about using previa pads, and one about selling a brake cable from 2 years ago....

so, my problem is the part in the tunnel that connects the lever cable to the two brake cables. It is rusted/corroded bad. It is beyond repair, as the connector for the right brake cable is broken through. Since I have shipwright's disease, I won't just replace the one part, but I want to be able to replace everything, back from the lever to the brakes.

Does anyone have the full deal or does anyone know where I could order one? please, please, PLEASE!!! I bought this car to be something like a driving restoration.... but if I have to fabricate a part, I won't stop there, I'll have the car totally torn apart and going through it with a toothbrush from the front fascia to the rear!

I got this disease from my days when I restored Triumphs (a TR7, a Spitfire 1500, and a Vitesse Sports 6), but I was allot younger then and jumping in and tearing a car apart and putting back together had much more appeal then than it does now :icon_bigg

a big thanks to you guys/gals, you remind me of the SHO forum and the Triumph mailing lists (remember those? yeah, WAY before forums :aigo: )


Now you know
Sep 9, 2007
Baltimore County, Maryland
My 86 had the same problem; the rear right cable became rusted so bad that it actually stuck in a partially engaged position.

RockAuto.com is your friend for the cables, but for the connector you may have to source one from a part out, check out the for sale sections.

By the way, I have a friend who has a couple of those cars you mentioned. There neat little things.


New Member
Nov 16, 2010
NW Georgia
THANKS!!!! doh! forgot about rock auto. used to use them from way back. been into BMW's for so long, i totally forgot about them.

BTW, nice garage.... errrr, yard :)