So a while ago when I was putting my turbo timer in, some wiseguy decided to hop in my drivers seat and recline it all the way so it was against the backseat.(I know I let it out of my sight for 10 seconds and this is what happens!) I think they held the button down and it did that clicking thing until it just broke... So my seat now has 3 recline positions
1-forward touching the wheel, like it would be for someone getting in the back
2-straight up and down, 90 degree angle from the ground
3-leaned way back, luckily I'm pretty tall but this is still a bit too reclined.
When I brake hard and lean forward, the seats leans forward and locks itself into the 90degree position. So does anyone know what could have happened? Broke something in the recliner? The motor still works to move the seat forward and backwards, but when i hit the recline button it doesn't even make a sound like its moving but off the track.
Thanks for any help. I've been putting off fixing it for months, and since It's in the garage for the time being I'm trying to fix as much as I can.
1-forward touching the wheel, like it would be for someone getting in the back
2-straight up and down, 90 degree angle from the ground
3-leaned way back, luckily I'm pretty tall but this is still a bit too reclined.
When I brake hard and lean forward, the seats leans forward and locks itself into the 90degree position. So does anyone know what could have happened? Broke something in the recliner? The motor still works to move the seat forward and backwards, but when i hit the recline button it doesn't even make a sound like its moving but off the track.
Thanks for any help. I've been putting off fixing it for months, and since It's in the garage for the time being I'm trying to fix as much as I can.