Diff problem?


Old Man
Sep 15, 2006
American Fork, UT
Are there known issues with the differentials and if so how difficult are they to rebuild say in comparison to a ford 8"?
After replacement of the bearing with no change at all in the noise, what I though was a bad wheel bearing I am thinking might be a noisey diff. I found the pitch changes between accel and coast, is speed related but not load sensitive i.e. it doesn't change when turning left or right. Also, I am now begining to feel a roughness that eminates from the rear through the cabin. My second thought would be the center support bearing but when I checked it there was minimal if any play in it.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
Jacksonville, fl
sounds like pinion bearings, i just pulled my diff apart notting hard about it. you need a press to change the bearings, and a axel puller. if you had all the parts it would take about 4-5hrs to pull the diff rebuild and reinstall.
good luck.