Did I blow something up?


New Member
May 17, 2006
Hi, well the car is an 86.5 N/A 5sp supra. I recently spun two rod bearings, so I cheaped out and bought a JDM motor which looked pretty good on the inside. The swap went pretty smooth until we went to start the car, which it doesn't turn over at all.

My friend decided to "help" me finish up while I was at work. The only things that are really left are below:


Circle #1, I don't really know what they are. Coming from the wiring harness, I'm guessing they are grounds for something but I dont remember where they went to. My friend said at first he put them on the starter wire coming from the battery (!!!!!!) but something buzzed when he connected the battery (!!!!!!!) so he then assumed they were grounds and put them there.

Circle #2, I can't find where the heck it goes at all.

I hope he didn't blow anything up! Does anyone know what could have happened if #1 was connected to full battery 12v?!

Thanks guys.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
#1, dont ground there, put them on one of the intake bolts....

#2 goes just below the circle for #1 on the little thing thats broke off of your starter...

On my 84 Supra (mkII) I didn't hook those ground up, once upon a time, and I had to replace a fried igniter/coil... just ltmk if you need one, I'll never go NA again. :icon_bigg


New Member
May 17, 2006
Thank you :)

Do you happen to know what #2 is/does, would that cause the starter to not turn at all?


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
thats your signal wire, that tells it to turn the car over. :icon_bigg

I think everyone leaves that off the first time they do a swap. I know I did. The grounds is what would worry me a bit. But I would almost think that the part of the starter you grounded it to wasn't Hot though.

Let us know.

If it did fry your igniter/coil, I will ship you one, just pay shipping. Notice that was your first post. I'd hate to see you get pissed off before you even got to drive the car.

OK, so you spun bearings, you have been driving. The offer is still out there if you need it, lol


New Member
May 17, 2006
Thanks guys :) It does turn over now. We either fried the coil or the distributor isn't installed right, but I'm gonna go double check the distributor first.

Thanks again.


New Member
May 17, 2006
Haha, I surely did. Actually my friend posted this as the car was at his house. I let him use my account so he could search the forums for stuff when I wasn't around. The night we hooked it all up like that it was about 4am so if you can be any sort of forgiving ;) I wasn't there the next day until the evening in which we got it running (distrib was 180* off too). She runs beautiful and my only problem is a slight power steering squeek (I think we need a space behind the pully as it might not be aligned correctly with the crank grooves.

All in all I am a very happy man. I think something is still a tad bit off as I can still feel hesitation under load that just kind of occurs at random rpms. It might be because I did the clutch while we had it all out.

Oil seems to be staying in there this time, so hopefully no more spun bearings :) I'm going to be paranoid about oil forever I hope. I can't wait to get done with my flush cycle and treat her to some Royal Purple (it's already purchased, so if you got gripes, let it go). The new bushing for my shifter make it nice and tight and the tranny seems to be loving the redline.

I'm going to do brakes this week sometime and I hope to take her up to the Tail of the Dragon with my friends (the guy who was helping with the car and a friend who owns an RX-7 [n/a]).

It's not my ideal car to take up there, but my fiero is a long ways from done so for the time being it's my only toy :)

Thanks for all the help guys, I know we are a bunch of redneck jerry-riggers down here in georgia (at least I am haha). Appreciate it.