Received built head from Revolutionary Performance few days ago, I asked them to find me used head because to remove and ship my head to States is too much downtime and $$$. OK, they foundused head, I arranged Ferrea parts to be shipped from TMS to Revolutionary. Head received full effort port job, etc. Look at the picture of deposits in cooling chamber - greenish from exhaust side and grey/brownish from intake side. And deposits more severe toward cylinder 6, typical for 7M
I have never seen something like that. What is it - sign of head being overheated, or owner completely neglected such basic things like changing coolant at least every 2 years ? Tomorrow want to take it for hardness test.
Any comments?
Vladimir, 89T
I have never seen something like that. What is it - sign of head being overheated, or owner completely neglected such basic things like changing coolant at least every 2 years ? Tomorrow want to take it for hardness test.
Any comments?
Vladimir, 89T