A lot of the time, your credit card companies have arrangement centers that can arrange payments outside of your monthly payment (if you're behind).. Honestly though, do avoid Debt Collection..Its similar to a "negative amortization" loan.. You make low monthly payments, but they tack on the interest,etc on the back end.. So you end up paying for a whole lot longer then original.. Plus if for some reason, you happen to get a lump sum of money.. They're very very hesitant to let you pay off the debts.. They put you through so many hoops that you just finally say "Forget it".. Also, that money you pay to them, not all of it goes towards your balance.. A lot of the time they have hidden fees like "Monthly membership dues/fee" that unless you read the fine print/break down, you wont notice.. Honestly, its better to talk to your local credit union or bank about Federally Funded debt consolidation.. A lot of these debt consolidation places are given grants by the government, but are privately funded by investors (usually collection agencies and/or the creditors themselves)
(PS... I love Fedor Emanelenko.. he's an amazing fighter.. )