I just noticed tonight as my car stalled out the 2nd time, my AFM sensor readings at idle were 3Hz. This tells me the AFM is not registering at all at closed throttle. However, the instant I apply any throttle it registers just fine.
I've also noticed that the 'dead zone' is intermitten, sometimes it registers a normal 25-30Hz other times not at all (aka 3Hz).
When the AFM does not register the engine mostly just stalls if I hit the gas a bit and let off, if i ease off its more likely it will idle even if the AFM is not registering correctly.
PS, i understand this will probably just end up leading to replacement but, personally, i've never heard of this issue
I've also noticed that the 'dead zone' is intermitten, sometimes it registers a normal 25-30Hz other times not at all (aka 3Hz).
When the AFM does not register the engine mostly just stalls if I hit the gas a bit and let off, if i ease off its more likely it will idle even if the AFM is not registering correctly.
PS, i understand this will probably just end up leading to replacement but, personally, i've never heard of this issue