ojonesjr said:I ran my Supra today and after a hard run...I get to the light and it will just drop rpms then cut off...It is very speratic. It does not happen all the tiem. Has anyone had this happen? What could it be?
7M-GTE said:are you venting your bov to the atomosphere?
thesandymancan said:my car does this too but it only happens when i'm low on fule. could this be because of it sloshing around and would a fuil cell help?
ojonesjr said:I have a HKS SSQV connected on the pipe the runs from the 3000 pipe. It's annoying. Get to the driveway or sometimes at the light and she just cuts off!
rakkasan said:Does it feed back into the accordian hose or does it vent to the open air? VTA means that the BOV releases the air into the atmosphere. If yours is set up that was, every time your BOV vents, you're releasin metered air causing your motor to run rich. If your BOV is VTA, there's a good chance that that is you problem.
ojonesjr said:It does not feed back into the accordian. How can I fix the cutoff issue?