Cruise/meet Woodward Dream Cruise


New Member
Aug 21, 2006
New York
I am in the process of organizing a Cruise/Meet at Woodward Dream Cruise it would be nice if we could get some MKIII owners in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois to come and represent in a venue that u will be sure to luv. The Cruise is held anually in Detroit MI. usually around the second or third weekend in August which gives everyone plenty of time to prepare. You have the option of driving or parking and taking it all in as there will be hundreds of cars there and a wide spectrum of them as well. If anyone in the community is interested please post under this thread so i can get an idea of how many are interested. If response and turnout are good I am confident we could make this an anual end of the summer event and go out on a nice high.....MKIII high that is :evil2:
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