Crashed The MK3 Today


New Member
Nov 17, 2010
Clackamas, OR
I was on my way to work this morning and a man in a Kia on the side of the road pulled out in front of me to flip a U turn and I hit the car directly in the driver side door. I hit the brakes but they locked up on me and slid into his car. Everyone is OK and he admitted that is was his fault. the front bumper and lip are damaged and the nose panel as well the engine is fine. The car is now at Kaddels Body shop where they will determine what needs to be done. my worst fear is they will say it is totaled and give me a check for 3000 bucks or less. Just thought I would post this up so anyone who had a similar situation could explain what happened for them.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Damn that sucks! It doesn't look too bad in a picture, BUT the telling factor will be the frame rail. I didn't think my grey car looked bad, until I got the hood open and saw the frame. Mine tokk a monstrous hit, and held pretty similarly to your (but a lil worse). I swapped everything over to bigger and better, and now I've got a 92.

That is a very nice looking car BTW


Active Member
May 19, 2010
If the frame is ok but the amount to fix the car is over the amount where they will total it then ask the insurance estimator (the body shop in this case?) to keep the estimate under the amount that they would consider totaled. You will get less money, but you will get to keep the car. If they total it you might not be able to buy it back (they will send it to auction) and you might only get a grand or so more than if they do what I just said. Then fix it yourself with the money and have a body shop paint it.

Before anyone says it... that's not insurance fraud. My insurance guy did that for me when I had the hail damage on my car. He was going to total it and give me $2700, but he said he could keep it under the cutoff and I'd still get ~$2200. I just had to sign a paper that I was going to waive their responsibility to pay to repair this damage (they took a ton of pictures and actually counted the hail strikes) in the future. Any future damage is still covered, even if it's another hail storm, as long as the damage isn't done to something that's already broken from last time that was never fixed.

If you do that you need to take pictures and document all the repairs afterward, just in case it happens again.

Stupid Kias.


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Burnaby, BC
Shitty man. Sorry to hear that, stories like this are the sole reason why I'd rather keep a slightly cluttered engine bay with a working ABS system (as old as it may be). If the car is totaled, just get another shell, buy your car back, and swap everything over. Who knows? This could be a blessing in disguise and you might get a MUCH better MK3?


New Member
Jul 14, 2010
Eagan, MN
I cannot feel for you any harder man. My red 88 turbo/targa/5spd was just totaled this monday(9/10) by a woman who was texting and driving while she hit me in the exact same spot yours was hit while I was sitting at a turn waiting for her to turn. I have no clue how much I will get for insurance either and I'm afraid to find out. Sucks man... just sucks...


Oct 11, 2007
Sucks to hear. If it makes you feel any better, I was involved in a similar collision, slightly worse actually, a couple years ago, and repair numbers totaled over 3500, and it was covered by the other persons insurance completely and my car was not totalled. I dont know if it makes a difference, but the driver at fault was a Honda dealership employee driving a dealership owned car.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 18, 2009
M-bay, cali
Whether or not it's totaled is usually up to how hard the adjuster thinks he can screw you. They will play the "It's not worth anything because it's so old" deal. I had a progressive agent tell me my car was only worth 500 dollars. Don't settle for anything less than you deserve.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
God, that is a huge fear of mine. I really want to get collector's style "as stated" insurance so I'm completely covered. With all the work I've put into mine I'd hate for them to look at it as a 330k mile 1990 coupe and give me book value. I'd buy it back of course, but it'd be such a pain in the ass. And then it's got a salvage title as far as I understand.

Good luck and let us know. The nose panel makes it look like the radiator support is bent pretty good. Bumper, trim, nose panel, lip, support, fender plus paint.... that alone is pushing it for being totaled. :(


New Member
May 22, 2011
Surprise AZ
suprarx7nut;1874458 said:
God, that is a huge fear of mine. I really want to get collector's style "as stated" insurance so I'm completely covered.

This. I put Hagerty on mine back in the spring when it came due for emissions testing. In AZ we can avoid testing if the car has collector car insurance on it. It just can't be a daily driver. They have no annual mileage requirement, though, nor have I ever been asked for mileage on any of the cars I have Hagerty on.

And, sorry to hear about your crash. Hope it works out...I hate dealing with crashes. Get a lawyer -- let them handle it. My wife has been in two wrecks not her fault and we have gotten paid fairly, even after the lawyer cut.
this thread kinda depresses me... Beautiful cars being hit. :( I actually got my MKIII after I got insurance money from an accident that I wasn't at fault for. Really stupid way actually.. I had a 1998 Toyota Avalon XLS...loved it to death, it was my first car. I was parked at work and this big old 17ft truck rolled into my parked car and totaled it. The driver wasn't in the truck when the brakes failed. Hit and run actually, the guy just left as soon as he got back to his truck. Had the whole thing on the security cameras. Either way, you really could end up with something nicer then before.