couple videos from this past autocross


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
What's your suspension set up? Looks like one hell of a run. I'm on stock blown suspension, so I'm sure my car would look funny cornering like that. I'm looking to upgrade the suspension and was wondering what really works for cornering and not just dropping it as low as possible.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
Supra_dan;2007568 said:
Wow. That was actually one of the most exciting videos i've ever seen on an autocross. Looked like fun and you handled it well!

thanks! and yeah its always a good time :biglaugh:

Suprapowaz!(2);2007575 said:
What's your suspension set up? Looks like one hell of a run. I'm on stock blown suspension, so I'm sure my car would look funny cornering like that. I'm looking to upgrade the suspension and was wondering what really works for cornering and not just dropping it as low as possible.

haha yeah its a rush. in the first video that i got around pretty quick. only thing is the 180 right before the timing i could have carried way more speed through there and spinning like crazy in the straight didn't help either but oh well. next time im just gonna run it off the wastegate. as far as handling mods i have megan tracks, st sway bars front and rear, adjustable sway bar endlinks in the rear, 1.5 front camber 1.4 rear camber, max caster, a little tow out up front, and 17x9 with 255/40/17 re11a tires all around. im really happy with how my car performs. only thing its lacking is brakes. the arz kit is next on the list though. hoping to get them before i hit thunder hill!!!


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
Chambers;2007649 said:
Awesome, yea I can vouch that the brakes are a big thing, I'm running the Cobra kit on my car. When I did my run last year it was a BIG help to have the bigger brakes.

yeah thats what i keep hearing and reading! im still not positive on what kit i want to get. the cobra kit seems to be a pretty good upgrade from stock. but then i figured if im gonna do it i might as well get the arz kit as they seem to be the best kit that fits in a 17" wheel. the nice thing about the cobra kit though is how easy it would be to get replacement parts and its more affordable. it'd be nice to know how the two actually compare in performance to help make a decision but solid info on that isn't out there. a couple months ago an arz kit popped up on sf with low miles for like 800 but were gone before i had i chance to get them :aigo:. really thats the kit i want buy my wallet tells me to get the cobra kit lol

Doat;2007678 said:
Looked really fun and you came very close to some cones I was like AHHHHHH don't HIT IT!!

haha thanks!

Grandavi;2007680 said:
lol.. you're a better driver than I. That looks like a ton of fun! How do you learn to drive that. Just start and get better as you go?

thanks! and yup pretty much! been doing it for like 5-6 years now. and ive stuck with the mk3 supra all this time so i know the car really well. that i feel helps a lot. i have some friends that can't seem to keep a car for more than a year so they always have to get used to how a car feels and getting down how close you actually are to things. like some people think they're right on the cones or apex and they really have like a couple feet from it or more! autocross really helps you get a sense of where the car is in a safe environment. id say more so than on a actual road course. which you need to be fast on a road course or autocross course. and the mk3 is a very capable car. i think everyone should autocross their mk3 at least once in awhile to hone your skills. plus its fun to hang out and watch everyone else and bs about cars :biglaugh: