Cooling system help?


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hey guys i was wondering if anyone can shine some light in on this problem. alright well the head gasket was replaced a little over a month ago using ALL Fel-Pro gaskets on the engine and made sure the sealing surfaces were flat and nothing was in the way. Recently ive been noticing the coolant waterfall noise in the dash again and this time i found out the water pump was literally destroyed (fan was wobbling during idle and made a slight bearing broken noise) So i replaced with a brand new Napa brand water pump. Its been over 5 days since the replacement of the water pump, ive jacked up the car many times, burped the cooling system till no bubbles and air came out, even got a new radiator cap, but still every morning after the water level would be lower than the previous day so i would keep adding water. I would drive around and the noise would be there but its just ever so slightly but enough so u can hear it (like millions of tiny bubbles in the heater core). Is there any other thing i should do besides keep adding water? i checked all the other hoses and clamps they are tight on and i know i replaced them. the radiator is fine as before the water pump replacement no coolant noise was to be found, i just hope it isnt another sign of BHG :(. please help thanks!


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
This is all from memory, and it's simply a suggestion and a comment.

Have you taken a look at the two coolant hoses behind the head close to the firewall? Mine had a small leak once, and it took me forever to find cause it was dripping onto the exhaust and burning off. As for the waterfall sound behind the dash...Mine always had it, and I never could figure it out. Only heard it on start up though, and other than the occasional hose leak, I never had trouble with my supra. (Not counting having to replace a starter once.)

It might be a heater core?? If you have a wet spot on you passenger side floor board, then that's likely your problem. If that is the problem, ha, have fun with that. (There is a step by step around here somewhere for that.)


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
i will check those two hoses, AFAIK before my water pump went out my cooling system was fine i never had to do anything to it. then this happened.. As well as the heater core, there wasnt any wet spots, smell of antifreeze, or fogging up windshield

Supramania Contributor
Mar 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
your fan wobbling and the bearing noise is you fan clutch not you water pump. usually a bad water pump will leak out the small hole on the water pump neck.

as for the water fall, mine did this forever even though i knew it wasnt a BHG. one night i turned on defroster for the windshield and i fogged up even more. i found heater core was leaking. replaced it and the water fall went away.



Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Water pumps can wobble too.

Pessure check the cooling system and see where your losing coolant at.


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
trust me the water pump was the problem, i took the old pump off and the thing where the fan belt goes on was wobbling like a mother***** and when i replaced the pump it was idling perfectly, the heater valve is bypassed so i know thats not a problem.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
modmonster2008, is engine pushing bubbles and/or coolant out of overflow tank after a hard drive? That was my bhg symptom. never overheated, but I guess I caught it early, or had a mild bhg. I had gurgling noise as well, and typically had to add 4 to 8 ounces of coolant after daily commute (140 miles round trip). Any water in oil?

I replaced all 11, or however many there are, coolant hoses in my Supra during my bhg repair. no coolant loss so far. Hoping you have just a hose issue.


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
i notice the coolant reservoir would change levels but never past the FULL mark on the tank, its just weird that it barely sucks it back into the radiator after cooling down. before my water pump i would only add about a small capful of water to the small tee adapter i had by the heater valve per week, now i dont even know why after a water pump replacement can cause something like this.

ill double check on hoses as well i hope its just a hose issue


mod crazy yo!
Sep 9, 2008
Seattle, WA
No oil in water, the reservoir never goes past the full mark always plays below there, its just i keep adding at least 1/8 cup of water into the "tee adapter" i installed by the heater valve since thats the highest place to add coolant in the system currently. As if i dont add coolant, i would hear slight bubbles in the heater core, ive been adding those amounts for about a week now lol, it gets irritating