Can anyone help me out on this. I was on my computer the other day and the little autoupdate sign appeared at the bottom right corner of the screen. It was an up grade to service pack 3. So I click install and am surfin the web and all that good stuff. It finishes and askes if I want to restart my computer now. I click not now and go on my merry way. So about an hour later I decide im done for the night and I will restart so the update can take effect. Well it goes through its normal thing with the windows loading screen then the screen goes black and the mouse arrow shows up. That is it. No desktop. No nothing. I can move the mouse around but that's is. it just stays black. I have tried restarting in, "safe" mode, last known good config, and still nothing. Can anyone tell me what is wrong or how to get the desktop to show? It is greatly appreciated. I would rather not reinstall window but if I have to I will. Is there away to reinstall windows without deleting the harddrive(s)?