So i finally got around to doing a compression test. I was at my buddy's shop and got 5 out of the 6 spark plugs out and he couldn't get #5 out either without removing the head. I continued on and did the compression test and All cylinders were even but were only putting out 75 psi. Now this seems to be about half of what it should be. What could be causing this? could it be carbon build up on the valves? the car is an '87 NA and only has 61,000 miles. The car was bought brand new by my mom and she never really drove it and never drove it hard at all so it never really cleaned the engine out well. plus both of my parents suck at car maintenance because for the last 30 years my dad has had company cars and my mom just didn't care. Any other suggestions to what it could be? Any suggestions to things I could do to help fix this problem without taking off the head and going into the engine? MY family is in a very poor financial situation right now so im trying to avoid expensive repairs.
Thanks alot
Thanks alot