So my car all of a sudden started Idleing around 2k rpm. I redid all my IC piping, vacuum lines n everything. TPS tested good as per tsrm, afm is good idk what it could be. I have a code 51 right now (A/C button off, I dnt even have anymore)
When I pull the TPS plug out it stays the same at around 2k, isnt it supposed to run different with out it plugged in?
When I hit the gas real quick it sputters for a brief sec then revs up normal. If I give gas gradually it's normal too.
When I put in drive or reverse, it goes down to around 650, but that's because it's got load now. When I put back in park or neutral, it gies back up to 2k.
When I pull the TPS plug out it stays the same at around 2k, isnt it supposed to run different with out it plugged in?
When I hit the gas real quick it sputters for a brief sec then revs up normal. If I give gas gradually it's normal too.
When I put in drive or reverse, it goes down to around 650, but that's because it's got load now. When I put back in park or neutral, it gies back up to 2k.