code 11 out of the blue


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
the other day i was driving then all of a sudden it felt like the car went into neutral then stalled
do a diagnostic = code 11
car starts right back up but you have to turn the key off then back on for it to start
will occasionally stall... not every split second but probly once on every trip

have searched and read the other threads and have added grounds & checked the intake grounds also

why would this all of a sudden appear? its been fine thru the last 10thousand kms

other thing i found interesting
car stalls, but ignition stays lit up i.e all dash lights etc, speedo is still working (does this require power to work? or is ign power enough?)

so anyway... hopefully after doing the ground thing it might be solved... the earth strap from the neg side of the battery to body was missing so have just put one on, trannie, head, intake manifold were all grounded fine.

any other clues?

Thanks :D