clutch issues


New Member
Sep 29, 2009
Andover MA
iigth im gettin very agravated with this lol ive just recently replaced every clutch component in my car oohh yea its a 90 turbo....i put a fidanza flywheel...exedy oem replacment clutch master and slave cylinder but now to the prob the clutch pedel has no freeplay and engages fully only by pushing the pedel down maby 2" help me out i know it can be ajusted but i had a machanic try and no luck same s@#t so im debating on bringing it to tpoyota


Rally Supra
Jan 24, 2010
Carlton, Oregon
I have the same shit happen to my Honda on realy hot days like 98 degrees plus. Not sure what it is really. My guess is either the slave isn't hitting right spot on the forks, throw out bearing installed incorrectly or master cylinder is not working properly. Check that the slave is hitting forks on the indent not down the arm a little. Bench bleed your master and then bleed the whole system see what happens.