There may be people who disagree. Obviously there are people with Civics who think that a 3" or larger exhaust on an NA 1.2L displacement engine isn't a waste.
It's my opinion that a 3" exhaust on an NA doesn't do good things for it, though I conceed that a good header design can make a lot of difference there as well.
Still turbochargers change the rules. A good NA exhaust uses exhaust gas velocity in order to produce low pressure at the exhaust ports of the head. This isn't really possible in a turbo car, as there's this turbine in the way.
Because the turbo works off of a pressure differential between the exhaust manifold/header and the downpipe, the faster the exhaust can clear the downpipe side of the turbine, the more power there is available to turn it. This is NOT best served by an open elbow, but by an orderly flow. The length that this flow shoud be directed varies by the velocity of the gasses.
It's been a long time since my fluid dynamics courses, but I remember the math being enough to give me a headache. I'm pretty sure that there's much more trial and error rather than actual calculation that goes on with the companies that produce these things, and with the combinations of headers, turbos, elbows, downpipes, cats, and cat-backs, there's no way that any solution can cover all situations. Change any of these elements, and it changes all of the other ones as well.