All that dirt, rust, coolant, scrapped gasket, pieces of grime, and other junk make it down to your oil pan during the BHG repair. Like drowning your engine with degreaser and letting it seep past the rings, or into another orafice without taking the time to clean it all up before putting it back together.
Some people, bolt everything back together afterwards, putting the oil in, etc. Some flush the oil, some don't. They just try to crank it right up sometimes even without priming the oiling system after it was dry.
either way it all ends up to oil pressure, and if you have any other fluid besides oil going through your motor's oiling system.
I hate my 7M because of that feeling in the back of my mind, saying BHG or rod knock, take your pick. It's probably the main thing that destroys 7M. Truck engines used for racing.
I've switched over the the JZ series motors in both my Supras, and I can't wait.