high psi 1jz said:
Oh so there's no difference in the size of the actual catch can?
No, they are the same.
Note: Greddy offers two sizes of cans, one medium & also a very large model that wouldn't fit in most engine bays. The problem with both cans is that they are not baffled in any way, so the input has nearly a direct shot to the output that does not allow full efficacy of the vapor condensation effort to be realized.
I bought the very large Greddy can then loped the bottom off, welded a P-III Slot-One alum heat sink inside the can between the in/out. This created a near twin chamber- a flow-disturbing finned barrier with large surface area maximizing condensation & fluid collection in the can instead of the intake. The can was shortened to just shy of heat sink height, & it's new demure size facilitated install on the cold side of the bay.