car wont start!


New Member
May 19, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
so i had my car running fine a couple days ago, then my AFM went bad.

I just got a new sensor, put it in, and my car doesnt start. I retimed it and nothing.
When i turn the CPS counterclock wise, it starts for like a sec or 2 then dies.

I have a code 51, but ive always had that. Isnt it because of the A/C or somethin? i dnt have A/C anymore.

So idk what is wrong, ive checked for vacuum leaks, everything looks good. I have fuel pressure and spark, because it starts up for a bit, if i turn the CPS.


thats how its supposed to look when its in, and everything is at TDC, right? cause that is how i did it, and it was running before.


New Member
May 19, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
So I got my car to start now. But I can't seem to get it to idle at 650. It stayed at around 1200 - 1500 rpm.
I turned the car off for a bit to tighten down some lines in case of vacuum leak.

When I start the car again, it won't idle it will die unless I give it some gas. My TPS is recalibrated, neweR afm, no vacuum leaks that I can find. After I started it up again I got a code 52. I had gotten a knocksensor from someone, but the clip was a lil flatter on one side then my old one. So idk if it's a year difference thing, but I didn't have the code earlier, it comes on and of now and then.

Would the knock sensor cause the no idle? It's runs fine if I give it some gas.