Car Security/Keyless Entry Systems


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
Hey all, looking at a keyless entry system for my birthday coming up. don't think ill need a full security system, but if there are obvious advantages, please point them out.

searched on here and found a few threads but most were about a year old. anyone have a preference for manufacturers? if anyone has one, please give the pros and cons of each. i know next to nothing about these, being in a low crime area so im looking for general as well as specific info.



New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
So you're never ever going to park in a high crime area?

I don't know of any Keyless Entry Systems that don't come with an alarm (check out though as they may have something).

And before someone brings it up. The TDSE is completly gone. Jeff Watson snarfed up the last 10 kits a decade ago - I should know I was the one that found out they were sitting in the dead parts bin at the factory with a new part number.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
KeithH said:
So you're never ever going to park in a high crime area?

I don't know of any Keyless Entry Systems that don't come with an alarm (check out though as they may have something).

And before someone brings it up. The TDSE is completly gone. Jeff Watson snarfed up the last 10 kits a decade ago - I should know I was the one that found out they were sitting in the dead parts bin at the factory with a new part number.

as for parking in a high crime area, i can definitely not rule this out. i just meant to say that for now and the next five years, my car is going to be parked safely in the garage. after college, who knows? so yes, a valid point has been made for the security system/keyless entry combo.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Keyless entry should be cheap, I dont know about $10. Mine was 35 and that was with my employee discount. As for an alarm, the viper or clifford alarms with a two way remote are nice. IIRC, some of the higher end remotes can be paged by your car if the alarm is triggered.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
My brother's got a Viper alarm with the remote start (kinda dumb to me), and he hasn't had anyone try or problems with the alarm. Just that you have to hold down a switch when the car is running with the hood up, for security reasons.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
CTsupra said:
clip, i know. i wasn't calling you one either. i just enjoy reading threads about peoples cars getting stolen when they buy thousands of dollars worth of mods, but no aftermarket alarm system.

No sh!t... I've read a lot of similar responses to the suggestion of getting a full alarm system that say pretty much the same thing: "It's garaged (while I'm home)". What about when you're not home. It only takes a good thief a minute or two (some can do it much quicker) to get your car started and drive off with your investment while you're in the store buying one loaf of bread. The only thing you've got going for you here is that plenty of of thieves have admitted that in a high traffic environment, like a store parking lot, they'd just skip an alarmed vehicle and grab the "easy mark".

I'm not saying that not investing in some additional security is stupid... there's always a reason. But do keep in mind that even the outward appearance of an alarm system might turn out to be *just enough* of a deterrant. You'll never know it, of course, but that's what you want isn't it?


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
CTsupra said:
clip, i know. i wasn't calling you one either. i just enjoy reading threads about peoples cars getting stolen when they buy thousands of dollars worth of mods, but no aftermarket alarm system.

gotcha :) thanks for the clarification. and thanks for your input, guys; looks like ill be going with a full system instead of just keyless entry. however, i am going to look for a few of those xenon strobes like adjuster mentioned doing :naughty:

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
How can theives tell the difference between a full alarm and just keyless entry?

My keyless entry has security lights(red flashing led's) on the dash that look just like most security systems. Do the full alarms you guys are talking about have those lights on every door/window? What's different to a theive?


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Clip, what strobes are you talking about? If you're going to be putting them on your car make very sure you know about any related legal implications in your area.


How can a thief tell the difference? There are a number of ways. 1st, half of the keyless systems out there don't flash the parking lights when you lock or unlock the door. 2nd, most of the less expensive keyless systems don't use rotating frequencies or auth. codes and as such the signals are easily recorded. 3rd, they know the difference between an old stock security system and an aftermarket alarm, its limitations and how to disable it. Just assume they know.

As mentioned before, if a thief thinks the car has an alarm system, they may pass it up for one that's going to be a quicker job. You'll never know, but just be glad of that.

Personally, I don't count on my alarm to prevent someone from smashing a window, grabbing what they can carry and running off with it. I count on it to page me the minute the alarm is triggered or disarmed so I can get to it before they manage to figure out how to bypass all the kill relays and get the car running or start chaining it up to a tow truck.

For those of you who think it's all just paranoia... I live near a high school, been here over 5 years. My neighbors and I have all noticed that the alarmed cars around here are very rarely broken into where unalarmed cars are broken into almost once a year. My former vehicle was broken into EVERY winter. My wife's was broken into on all but the last. Both of our cars has an alarm now. Less than two miles from my home is a nice, quiet neighborhood. Very few problems, almost no break-ins ever reported... and a small chop shop that was just shut down at the end of last year. Most people were stunned, couldn't believe it... well, you may not be expecting it, but don't act like you're not or you may be the next mark.

Another important tip: Don't give anyone all the details of your alarm system. Don't even tell them what model if asked. EVERY alarm has its weaknesses and once they have the model and know that you've got one additional kill switch they're in business. Don't assume the person you're talking to about it isn't going to do something with the info. The "chop shop" I mentioned above consisted of two "upstanding" families living in two houses right next to eachother. Think you know your neighbors? Don't count on it.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
CRE, Adjuster was talking about putting internal strobes in the car in that link i posted. he installed the siren under the dash and was thinking about hooking up some bright leds or xenon bulbs to flash constantly while the alarm was going off. he had a whole host of ideas to make it harder for the car thief to work.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Gotcha, I thought it might be something he was considering for use as an "armed" indicator. I've got two blue LEDs on a circuit that strobes for my have to be very careful about the placement of those and the wiring or a lot of PDs can really nail you.

I like the idea... Hopefully the crook isn't epipleptic, last thing you want is to end up on charges because the would-be thief swallowed his tongue. But I do really like that idea... I'm going to have to look into that.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i imagine 110db of noise inside the car while being blinded by a strobe light would piss any thief off to the point of breaking the other window and crawling back out.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
They also may take out their frustrations on your car... smashing more windows, beating the hell out of the body, slashing the tires. So, if you're just looking to keep them from stealing your stereo, it might not be worth it... if you're worried about them stealing the car, it might be worth it.


Feb 7, 2006
I :love: autopage

I got a new 2 way LCD system off of ebay for like $210, still sealed in the box (mind you it was the top of the line autopage offered at the time)

Fantastic alarms at a great price, much better deal than any viper / clifford, IMO, i've installed 3 of them so far, no issues with any!