Car salesmen


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
Just wondering if there are any here. Can you give any advice when it comes to dealing with car salesmen. The reason I ask is, I was at a lot today looking at a possible new purchase. The salesman right away said, "You can take it for a drive if you like. I just need a copy of your license for insurance purposes." I thought to myself, "Sure its for insurance purposes. As soon as I leave, your going to run my credit with every agency possible." I'm not 100% certain they do that. It's just what I've heard they do. Needless to say, I left without driving the car, or giving my license.

So what is it that a salesman says that's true, and what do they usually bs people about?


Oct 28, 2005
Sanford, FL
They can't run your credit off your driver license, but they tend to 'misplace' the license and keep you at the dealership, gives them more time/opportunity to sell you something.


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
i can understand them doing it... we take copies of licenses of people we give loan cars to...

one of the guys here got his car stolen trying to sell it and part of the reason he got it back, is because the guy that stole it, left his license at another dealer he stole a car from during a test drive...

basically, whatever bad things you think the dealership can do to you with their license, a bad customer can do so much worse out on a test drive... a smart salesman will take the keys out of the ignition before letting you sit in the drivers seat, and only hand them back when they're sitting in the car.... but even then, they're usually some way from the dealership, and alone with you when that happens, there's nothing to stop you decking them, grabbing the keys and driving off...


New Member
Sep 17, 2007
Coastal Georgia
They will BS you about hp, torque, suspension, audio quality, effectiveness of unneeded options, get the point. I was told my GTO would have 450 to the wheels cause it had a CAI on it. Not.

From what ive seen its not so much about selling you the car as it is getting you financed. Or extended waranties. Once they make you an offer on how "great the financing deal is" Go home and sleep on it. If you still like it, call your credit union and see if they will finance your car for less.

As far as what pieces of personal info to give away, im not sure. Its always uneasy giving out the phone# or SS#, or even address. maybe someone else can chime in on that.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
As far as I know a full social security number is needed to run credit.

I run credit checks multiple times daily via 3 different means and all require drivers license info AND full social number. So if you don't put your social on your license, I'd think they can't run a credit check.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
I just go in and drive cars... they may send you a letter asking how your car search is going, but nothing over that.

Just ignore everything they say while they're in the passenger seat, it is mostly BS.

No matter what, tell them you have to have new tires on the car... they'll say they can't do that and you threaten to leave. It's awesome.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I should write a guide on this topic. Car salesmen hate me.

  1. Do your research before you ever set foot on a car lot.
  2. Know exactly what you are going to buy and exactly what you are going to pay for it before you go.
  3. Learn what their margin and markup on the car are.
  4. Know more about the car than the idiot selling it to you, this isn't 100% necessary, but it makes the lies they tell more amusing.
  5. Get a loan before you go (blank check loan) or pay with a check.
  6. Negotiate like you're going to finance the car with them. They will give you price breaks expecting to fuck you on the financing.
  7. Negotiate hard for exceptions - extended warranty - wheels - new tires - etc - once again, they will do this especially if they think they can get you on the financing terms.
  8. If you are buying used, take the car to an independent mechanic if you can't inspect it yourself. If they won't let you do so, leave right now.
  9. In fact, be ready to leave at any time. If they aren't negotiating well enough, just walk out - it motivates them.
  10. Don't make emotional decisions. This is business.
  11. Learn when their sales month ends. Go on that day late in the day. If you can arrange it so this is a Friday, so much the better. A sales rep will generally discount like mad to get this car on this months commission check.
  12. Be willing to stay until they close, be a dick, flex on nothing.
  13. Be willing to walk out even after investing hours in the deal. A bad day at the dealership lasts for a day. A bad car deal lasts for years.
  14. Believe nothing that the sales rep says. If he tells you the sky is blue, look out a window.
  15. If it's not written down, it's not part of the deal. Make them put everything in writing. Accept no excuses on this.

PS - the license thing is to be sure you don't steal the car. Don't sweat it. They will likely get your mailing addy off of it, but nothing else.
PPS - You should go in uniform, they will be nicer to you.


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
They cannot pull a CBR from your driver's license. I pull CBR's all the time and you MUST have the SSN #'s. I don't know about where you live, but around here our lisence doesn't have SSN's...


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
as said above, new tyres come with the deal, ask for it, demand it, walk away if they don't agree... if it's a used car, check _everything_ - if something is 'passable' at the inspection, used cars won't pay for it to be fixed....


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
Just like Supracentral said:

I usually look at before I go and make a purchase. I try to pay on the low end of what others are paying for that car "in your area".

Get your own financing, and don't tell them you have it until the deal is done.

And yes, make damn sure that everything the promise you is in writing!! We used to have this "We owe, You owe" sheet of paper that we were supposed to write everything we promised on. If we told you we were going to give you pinstriping, undercoating, and fabric protection on the car then it better be on the "We owe, you owe." If it wasn't the dealership wouldn't honor what he salesman said... period! So if he promises you free oil changes, first set of tire change, car washes, or anything to try to get you to sign make sure you get it in writing on their letter head and get a copy.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
As a former car salesman, it is actually for insurance purposes also. Some insurance companies require them to take a copy of the license of the person who is driving. To show that they are a legal driver with a current license. I cant even count how many people come in wanting to test drive with a suspended license. I have never once used a copy of someone's license to mail them crap either. Its a total ethics issue. Also, I used to work finance for a car dealership. You CANT pull a credit report just off a license. You have to have the full name, and social security number to pull a credit report. They also cant pull a credit report without your signed consent. This can, and does get dealerships in a lot of trouble. It does also help out and cuts out time too.. They use it as the copy necessary for financing. You have to have a copy of said applicant drivers license in the file when sending it out for financing. US Patriot Act in work. Dont sweat the small stuff, like that.. 99% of the time, they get shredded after you test drive the vehicle if you dont buy it..


Sep 29, 2007
I have worked in dealerships for several years. Car salesmen come in three flavors:

1. BS spewing tard - This guy will say anything to get you in whatever the management is pushing that week with little to zero knowledge of the product.

2. Slick - The guy wearing the suit that knows his product, and will get you a "great deal" on some POS thats worth half what you will pay.

3. Noob - Usualy new to the business, that will actualy work with you to make his quota (find this one).

If you walk on the lot and they ask if you need help more than 5 times in as many minutes, or the entire sales staff suddenly appears outside, they are desperate for sales.

Don't ever buy on the first day. String that fool salseman on for a week if need be; it will wear him down.

Don't hesitate to switch salesmen.

Complane about every little quirk, noise, paint chip, scratch, tires, brakes, exhaust, ect you can find. Make them promise to have it repaired, then have it put in writing.

Have them rerpair everything then demand it be checked by an independant tech of your choosing BEFORE purchase. If it isn't to spec or if they refuse don't buy.

Don't tell them you intend to pay cash up front. Make them offer a deal at or below the value of the car then after the deal is ready, pay in cash to fubar their financing scheme.

Carfaqs are nice, but they don't include shady, side, or some internal dealer work! Check everything you can and trust nothing the sales staff says.