Car Idles High without A/C


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
I recently started my turbo supra (AT) and for the first time it didn't drop to normal idle after it warmed up. Before my Temp guage was going off the chart so I took the advice from members here to replace the rad. Cap, thermostat, temp sensor, temp switch, etc. Now the car idles around 1300rpms even after it warms up and the exhaust has a mellow popping sound as if its missing. When you turn on the A/C it drops below the 1000 mark as if it was idling correctly and the popping stops. Then when you turn on the heater it jumps back up to 1200-1300rpms and the exhaust starts popping again.

Now my exhaust does smell sweet, and is sending out some very feint white smoke that you have to look REAL close to see, however I have not got a block tester yet. I did check for leaks and Looked into my Coolant Resivoir Tank (No Oil) Looked under my oil cap (No Milkshake), Checked my Dipstick (No milkshake). I know there was a hose leaking coolant at the back of the block and at the front on the exhaust side but I have since thne replaced all the hoses, which stopped the leaking.

Help would great