car died, won't start, no spark, code 12 & 14


New Member
'91 7mgte, ~90K miles, died at stop light, had towed home, checked @ 2 different plugs and appear there is no spark, did the "cps wire shake", pulled codes and got 12 and 14. TSRM says ignitor or ecu, but I feel I am getting beyond my comfort zone to further trouble shoot, don't really understand how to check the ignitor or ecu and worried about frying somthing, I hate electrical issues. What do you recommend I do, get another ignitor and try that first? Which item is more likely to be bad? Thanks in advance for the help.


New Member
Oct 10, 2008
Westfield, ma
mstgeer;1328748 said:
'91 7mgte, ~90K miles, died at stop light, had towed home, checked @ 2 different plugs and appear there is no spark, did the "cps wire shake", pulled codes and got 12 and 14. TSRM says ignitor or ecu, but I feel I am getting beyond my comfort zone to further trouble shoot, don't really understand how to check the ignitor or ecu and worried about frying somthing, I hate electrical issues. What do you recommend I do, get another ignitor and try that first? Which item is more likely to be bad? Thanks in advance for the help.

Follow the troubleshooting instructions in the TSRM. It will tell you how to test any component that might be causing your problem. For example: Do it now before someone tells you to RTFM!


New Member
jetjock;1328839 said:
Lmao. Do you think the igniter cares where that 3 volts comes from? You could build a tiny little nuke plant. Or maybe try putting a couple of AA batteries in series...

Thanks, I was not sure that would work. Is that where I should start, by testing the ignitor? I may be being overly cautious, but I don't want to fry the ECU.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
jetjock;1328839 said:
Lmao. Do you think the igniter cares where that 3 volts comes from? You could build a tiny little nuke plant. Or maybe try putting a couple of AA batteries in series...

I think he has two seperate problems. After he figures out his 12, and it starts, I think he will be plagued with the 14 on an intermitent basis. As so many are.

With 12, he won't even get a and IGt signal will he?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Your car won't run with an active code 12. Ignition and fuel injection are shut down. 12 means the ECU isn't seeing the engine speed and position sensor, known as the CPS.


New Member
Nick M;1329978 said:
Your car won't run with an active code 12. Ignition and fuel injection are shut down. 12 means the ECU isn't seeing the engine speed and position sensor, known as the CPS.

ok, thanks. Tomorrow morning I will be back home and I am going to work on it.
1. check fuses
2. check to make sure CPS is turning when engine is cranked.
3. check resistance per TSRM, if it fails is that a definative indication it should be replaced?
4. check for continuity of wires from CPS to ECU

are those the appropriate steps to take? Are those the only faults that would cause the code 12, other than the ecu being dead?
Last edited:


New Member
1. CPS resisnace OK, next step...
2. CPS NOT turning, WTF.
Tear into it and ... cam gear bolt backed out, allowing pin to fall out, and cam gear to free spin. WTF, how does that happen?

Now the hole in the cam is oblonged and does not look like it will hold the pin (which is yet to be found), What now? Replace the cam? or can one of the other holes be used to index the cam?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
The cam doesn't have a hole in it. Picture time. And none of that cell phone crap.

You might need a new CPS, if your's has some how physically broke. That makes 2 in 2 weeks, if you weren't keeping track.


New Member
Nick M;1331112 said:
The cam doesn't have a hole in it. Picture time. And none of that cell phone crap.

You might need a new CPS, if your's has some how physically broke. That makes 2 in 2 weeks, if you weren't keeping track.

CPS was not turning because exhaust cam was not turning. The cam gear center bolt backed out far enough for the indexing pin to fall out and allow the cam gear to freewheel on the end or the cam when the motor was turned over using the starter. The hole in the cam I was speaking about was in the end of the cam where the indexing pin goes.

Everthing is all back together (except had to order new CPS cover, gasket and 3 screws, as cover was all cracked up and broke and the gasket was all brittle) and running smooth :icon_bigg

csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
Does it sound like it's about to crank but you even when you step on the accelerator the car won't roar to life? When mine did that and I got 12 and 14, I unplugged the TPS, plugged it back in and the car started. I'm not sure why