cant hold on to boost


New Member
Sep 2, 2008
hey guys new here so iam not shur if iam puting it in the right section but here i go, every time i try to boost my car my car makes a loud jet engine sound and i take a look at my boost gauges the stock and aftermarket one and they both tell me iam boosting around 0-1psi and iam flooring it so iam not shur whats happening


Noob..but not incompetent
Feb 23, 2007
That jet noise is your turbo spooling.

You probably have a boost leak. Check all of your intercooler piping for leaks. Make sure all clamps are tight and no pipes have holes in them.

How long are you keeping it floored for? You have to let your turbo spool fully.


New Member
Sep 2, 2008
ill take a better look at my IC piping there all aftermarket, also do u kno wat size is the inlet on the turbo were the IC connects to the turbo is that might be the problem is it 2.25 or 2.5

well i slowly gas it till i start to see the boost gauge raise then i just keep on increaseing

could it also be something to do with the waste gate


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Even with the wastegate stuck open you'd build some boost as it's meant as a bleed, not a full bypass.

Bad boost leak would be my guess...


Broke and Lovin It
Sep 13, 2007
Central Ma / Cape Cod Ma
check your vacuum source for your boost gauge, make sure it hasn't popped off. or the hose has not cracked or something.

and check your blow off valve.

because like supra hero said, if you had a huge leak, the car would be bucking like a mofo. and the wastegate wouldnt pass that much exhaust.

so likely, either you are getting boost and its not showing on the gauge, or your bov isn't closing and your just blowing boost back into the turbo...


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
The BOV does not "blow boost back into the turbo"...if stuck closed, you will build boost and experience compressor surge when you let off...if stuck open, it is a boost leak. And the way the OP described it, it's not the gauge either.

I'm leaning to some sort of boost leak...if there's a code 34, that just about confirms it.


New Member
Sep 2, 2008
ok now since i have full 2.5 intercooler pipeing all the way around could it be that iam leaking boost under the turbo cuz the coupleings are all 2.5 is 2.5 to big for the turbo inlet dose anyone kno what size it is so i can buy a reducer


Supramania's Parts Man
Sep 2, 2008
Great Lakes State
It's possible your turbo itself is broken. These noises can be heard, like the one you're hearing, does it sputter by any chance or does it only go 0-1 psi? Because if you're getting a sputtering you may need a new turbo, also is this turbo stock? I am sure it is but I want to make sure.


New Member
Sep 2, 2008
92TealSupra;1131741 said:
It's possible your turbo itself is broken. These noises can be heard, like the one you're hearing, does it sputter by any chance or does it only go 0-1 psi? Because if you're getting a sputtering you may need a new turbo, also is this turbo stock? I am sure it is but I want to make sure.

nope the turbo is not sputtering but yes it is only going up to 0-1 nomore yes your right the turbo is stock


New Member
Jul 5, 2008
Pull your accordian tube and make sure the turbo shaft has little to no play in it. Then I believe the turbo outlet is 2.25" but I would have to measure it to be 100% I'll try to do that tomorrow to be sure. Hell you could do it yourself with a tape measure. its really not hard.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
my car makes a loud jet engine sound and i take

ok now since i have full 2.5 intercooler pipeing all the way around could it be that iam leaking boost under the turbo cuz the coupleings are all 2.5 is 2.5 to big for the turbo inlet dose anyone kno what size it is so i can buy a reducer

i can't breath. the jet engine thing was great. :rofl:

the stock ct is 2". i'm guesing thats your problem.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
if the turbo is bad the jet sound he is hearing could be the death whine from the turbo. but my guess is you have a boost leak. i'v had this same thing happen to me many times. You deffinetly need to get a reducer for the turbo to piping. the turbo out let is only a 2inch. as others have mentioned it could be the waste gate to. check those 3 things and see what you find out.
(i know this is an old thread but i was reading over it to figure out my problem, so why not just bump it a little in case anything is helpful.)
Well this is embarrassing. I didn't think I was going to run into a problem this soon after signing up for the forums. I don't know much about cars because I just got my supra back in June, since then I've been reading and learning. I am able to follow a little in a conversation about cars. So I am thinking I might have this problem with mine. Its not exactly as this guy has. My boost gauge builds (stock gauge). But I don't seem to feel the boost as much as i used to just two weeks ago. So I was thinking I might have had a leak. My turbo spools. I had one friend tell me I need to compression test it, and I had another tell me there is no way to test it. One of my customers where I work when i asked him about it. He smiled and laughed then wished me luck saying how much a pain it is to find a leak. I was largely wondering if there is an actual way to test it with out having to bleed dye or something to that extent to find if there is a leak. On my next day off I'll start into my hood and checking all the piping anyways. I was just wondering on a little extra input on it. Thank you in advance guys.


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
If you've got a bad leak, it's gonna piss out black smoke and idle like crap. You can check on an aftermarket boost gauge, vacuum should be about 18-20 when warm and idling. If it's up at about 10 you have a leak.

Leaks are generally heard quite easily, just stick your ear around the engine bay and listen for a psssssss sound, air can echo in your intake manifold so try to make sure you're not just hearing that.

Make sure you check for codes as previously suggested, running a lil sluggish may mean that your ecu temp sensor has failed so it's overfueling a bit or it can be a few other things.

Check the basics and get back to us.