Canadian teenagers: Do not put beer bottles in your unconscious friend's ass.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Teens face sex assault charges
Party pranks result in six people charged in Turtleford area case
By Lana Haight
The StarPhoenix
September 4, 2009

Several teenage boys in the Turtleford area are facing sexual assault charges in connection with an incident involving another boy at a drinking party last winter.

"I can't believe this is even happening," said the woman whose teenage son hosted the party, which was held Friday, March 13. "We're on pins and needles around here."

Her son, who is now 16, was charged Aug. 17 with sexual assault under Sec. 271 of the Criminal Code. Also charged are three other boys who were between 15 and 19 years old at the time of the alleged offence and two men who were between 18 and 19 years old at the time of the alleged offence, says RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Carole Raymond. She wouldn't provide the exact ages of those charged, citing the need to protect the victim.

The mom, who cannot be named because it would identify her son, who is a minor, isn't sure why he is charged with sexual assault.

"Section 271 of the Criminal Code is very vague when it comes to sexual assault. It basically states that to touch someone in a sexual manner without their consent. So it's very, very vague. What kind of sexual assault is he being charged with? I don't know," she said.

She and her husband had agreed to let their son have the party, which started at around 10 p.m. with about 25 of his friends.

"I did not buy any booze for these kids. I supplied pop and chips and food. It was supposed to be that kind of a party. We kept going downstairs and checking to be sure everything was under control," she said.

At one point in the night, the dad saw the teenagers were drinking beer.

"Somebody had brought some in. How do you police that? I guess when my husband went down and he saw the Kokanee, the party should have stopped and everybody left right then. Hindsight is 20-20."

By 1 a.m., most of the teenagers had gone home. If they hadn't been drinking, the host couple returned their car keys. Some teens were picked up by their parents. About 10 boys remained and planned to stay the night, says the mom.

"If they are going to have a few beers or whatever, I didn't want them drinking and driving or going to a gravel pit or something like that. You have it in your home. You try to control the situation," the mom said.

By 3 a.m., the parents had had enough of the loud music that was keeping them awake. The mom says she went downstairs, pulled the plug on the stereo system and shut the party down. The teenagers were playing cards and the 15-year-old boy identified as the victim was sitting on a couch.

It wasn't until several days after the party that the mom learned Turtleford RCMP were investigating a possible sexual assault that occurred at her home.

At some point during the night, the 15-year-old had passed out, says the mom.

"They pulled his pants down and propped a beer bottle between his butt cheeks and took a picture," she said.

"He apparently didn't even know the picture was taken until the next day."

The mom says her son told her he doesn't know anything about the beer bottle, but they did pull pranks on the boy.

"They did the shaving cream. And I know they did marker on him because in the morning, the boy got up to go to work and I said, 'You can't go to work with marker all over your face.' "

Since learning about the incident at her home, the mom has heard many stories from her son about parties he's been to. He told her he had been "tea-bagged," the term used to describe boys rubbing their genitals over the face of someone who has passed out. At another party, a teenage boy shoved a ping-pong ball in a boy's anus.

"There's no line. They don't know the boundaries. That kind of thing. I'm not saying my son is innocent, but I'm saying he's not the only one that would have taken part in this," said the mom, whose son was paddled with a two-by-four in the fall of 2008 when he was entering high school.

"Both cheeks, he had welts the size of a fist on each cheek and that's apparently acceptable. And all this, all this other stuff is apparently acceptable.

"How is that acceptable at parties? But apparently that's what goes on but the parents are the last ones to know."

The father of the alleged victim says he didn't realize kids in the area were doing such things at parties.

"This was the first I heard of it when this happened," he said, adding his son has never taken advantage of someone who had passed out.

When asked to explain what happened at the March party from his son's perspective, he had no comment.

"Let the law handle things," he said.

The mom of the charged teenager is incredulous that criminal charges were laid in the incident at her home. After the party and until the charges were laid in mid-August, the victim, her son and their friends continued to hang out.

"He wasn't the geek, the nerd or somebody that the kids picked on. No, he was just one of the gang."

In June, the alleged victim even asked to spend the night at her house again, but after learning what went on in their basement in March, she and her husband said no more parties.

Police have imposed their own conditions.

"Due to this my son is forbidden to talk to 21 of his friends. They made him do an undertaking that he couldn't talk to 21 of his friends, including his girlfriend," she said, adding the kids can talk to one another at school only.

"It's made his life and all his friends pretty miserable."

The six accused are scheduled to appear in court in St. Walburg on Sept. 15. Turtleford is about 200 kilometres northwest of Saskatoon.



Sep 29, 2007
I was not aware rubbing genitals in the face, or inserting objects it the anus when passed out was an act of friendship. Learn something new every day.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Its fucked up but stupid shit happened at the parties. Kids understand that shit like this happens and they go anyway.

My question is who's the bitch who called the cops about something like that? Seriously now people are gonna have a criminal record of sexual assault, try getting hired with that somewhere.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
So much fail in that story...

The kid obviously didn't have a problem with it since he was still hanging out and wanting to sleep over. Also, since when do police have the power to tell someone they can't contact someone else unless they're at school?

There are too many holes...


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Fucking with passed out people is common practice. However theres a line you dont cross. Beerbottles and pingpong balls in the ass, thats way over the line.

Funny story:
For those of you who do fuck with people, its very important to know the difference between someone passed out and someone just sleeping. let me tell you why. A couple years ago, I was at a party. had been working all day, and by like 2 i was tired. so i took my shoes off and went to sleep. My buddies ex (who i despise), and her friends decided to fuck with me. They put a can of beefaroni in my hand and took a picture. then she decided to draw on my face. The combo of people laughing and the smell of the marker woke me up immediately. unaware of what was going on, i instinctively took a swing before she even touched me. of course unbeknowns to me, theres a can off beefaroni in my hand. she jumped back and i just barely missed clobbering her, literally scrapeing her nose. She screamed, got pissed at me, then cried for like 20 mins. She never fucked with me again...lesson learned.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
funny shit. ive seen a passed out kid get painted blue before. seen dicks drawn on the face with markers a lot. but putting shit in someones ass is just wrong.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Messing with passed out drunk people is a very common ritual. Shaving cream in the hand, marker on the face/arms/legs, whatever. Who decided shoving foreign objects up a buddies ass was a fun idea?

Thats just fucked up. Silly Canadians.


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
Happens all the time apparently, i work with some younger guys who are always telling of drunken pranks involving "teabagging" and getting there cocks out on there mates face while they are passed out. Silly buggers still go back for more.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
This is why people classify me as a borderline misanthrope.

I can guarantee you it is more of a problem with THEM than it is with ME.


You are being, illogical
Jan 12, 2009
Brownslow, London
I know people that do this shit, I call them university students. The people I went to school with have turned into morons like this and it really pisses me off how pathetic they are. I'm glad I stayed away from those crappy "drinking sessions" and looked old enough to get into a bar and be a normal human being from the start.