Apparently a college degree is not enough to comprehend the written responses of my local government.
I humbly give you the following response I received regarding a "no plate" ticket I got on the Mr2 I bought. The ticket was given on MIDNIGHT the night I got the f*cking car onto the street in front of my house. It was registered the same day of the ticket.
I appealed the ticket and got this response. Note that the Boulder County website states that appeals for no plate tickets are valid if proof of registration is provided within 14 days.
Here it is:
First of all: The upper appeal result states: "Appeal denied - Citation upheld". If this was all that I was given I would chalk it up and reluctantly pay the $25. However; lower, in the explanation, it states "The ticket has been waived". I only received one piece of documentation for the "infraction". It only details ONE event, ONE "Violation". How can I be relieved of one thing and held to another if I only recieved one to begin with? :dunno:
NOW, The initial fine was $25.00. Within the explanation, the response states "the court will reduce the fine by half." To me, this indicates that I owe $12.50 if the citation is indeed upheld. HOWEVER on the response it states TWICE that I owe $25.00. What the HELL? :dunno:
The final confusion comes at the last sentence when the response states that: "the court will not waive ANOTHER citation for a similar violation." This statement does not make any sense if my citation was upheld. They have not waived a single citation, how can they waive ANOTHER?!
Am I a complete fool? Do I not understand how this process works? What the hell do I do now? I have an easy schedule at school and plenty of free time to figure this out. I don't want to pay $25 for buying a used car and parking it in front of my house. How is anyone supposed to get temp tags on a car before they buy it? I trailered it home, did NOT even turn the key in it until it was registered. It was parked in front of my own, f-ing house adn registered within 12 hours of me owning the damn thing!
Ugh. /Rant.
Can anyone else figure this out? It's as if they mixed up the "explanation" with the heading which states "Appeal denied - Citation upheld".
I humbly give you the following response I received regarding a "no plate" ticket I got on the Mr2 I bought. The ticket was given on MIDNIGHT the night I got the f*cking car onto the street in front of my house. It was registered the same day of the ticket.
I appealed the ticket and got this response. Note that the Boulder County website states that appeals for no plate tickets are valid if proof of registration is provided within 14 days.
Here it is:

First of all: The upper appeal result states: "Appeal denied - Citation upheld". If this was all that I was given I would chalk it up and reluctantly pay the $25. However; lower, in the explanation, it states "The ticket has been waived". I only received one piece of documentation for the "infraction". It only details ONE event, ONE "Violation". How can I be relieved of one thing and held to another if I only recieved one to begin with? :dunno:
NOW, The initial fine was $25.00. Within the explanation, the response states "the court will reduce the fine by half." To me, this indicates that I owe $12.50 if the citation is indeed upheld. HOWEVER on the response it states TWICE that I owe $25.00. What the HELL? :dunno:
The final confusion comes at the last sentence when the response states that: "the court will not waive ANOTHER citation for a similar violation." This statement does not make any sense if my citation was upheld. They have not waived a single citation, how can they waive ANOTHER?!
Am I a complete fool? Do I not understand how this process works? What the hell do I do now? I have an easy schedule at school and plenty of free time to figure this out. I don't want to pay $25 for buying a used car and parking it in front of my house. How is anyone supposed to get temp tags on a car before they buy it? I trailered it home, did NOT even turn the key in it until it was registered. It was parked in front of my own, f-ing house adn registered within 12 hours of me owning the damn thing!
Ugh. /Rant.
Can anyone else figure this out? It's as if they mixed up the "explanation" with the heading which states "Appeal denied - Citation upheld".