Can anyone confirm worn turbo seals?


Level 2 Rythym Rogue
Apr 2, 2005
Eugene, OR
This weekend I built/installed a test pipe.... Awesome mod by the way.

Anyhow, when I pull up to a stop a plume of bluish smoke starts pouring out of the tailpipe. When I'm cruising or boosting I have no smoke, and I don't see any on deceleration either but it's probably due to wind.

The smoke kinda envelops the car for about 10 seconds then completely goes away at every stoplight. I noticed a fair amount of shaft play on the turbo and I think taking the cat out compounded the smoke problem.

The rest of the engine has about 5K on it and compression is good. Oil is 10W40 full synthetic.

What's the consensus? Time for that 57 trim?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
i just had my motor rebuilt, and i am having the EXACT same problem as you.

i cant really see any smoke in my rearview while i am boosting, or deccelerating, but as i come to a stop i sometimes see a small cloud of blue smoke catch up to me.

i am gonna check the compression after the break in is over, then work from there. i have 950 miles on the rebuild already, so i am almost there (1000 mile break in).

im really thinking its gotta be the turbo, after all the whole motor was just rebuilt.

further, i havent gotten a chance to have anyone follow me and look for smoke. i also am running just the downpipe for now until i have my exhaust made up, so for whoever did follow me it might be hard to see if theres any smoke coming out at all.

a friend of mine had a turbo that was burning TONS of oil, when he had the turbo off the car he could spin the shaft (with oil in the turbo) and see oil drip out from the turbo outlet.