Junior said:
the I6 has more torque than the V8 does in the grands. you have to weigh it out, the grand is better for trailer stability in that it's got some more weight so the trailer wont muscle you around, but it doesn't have the same torque that the regular cherokee has. (this is assuming you're talking about a 5.2, not the 5.9 grand cherokee RT, don't get the RT it's a street missile after the fashion of the GMC typhoon, but it's useless offroad and you'll blow apart your transfer case if you try to tow with it) anyhow, they're about equal offroad, either will be more than enough for what you're saying, the cherokee has more offroad potential due to less weight and more ground clearance, plus modification parts for cherokees are dime a dozen.
both motors are very reliable, but the cherokee's AMC I6 will outlast the roaches, run it on no oil for weeks and it wont complain, and any kind of combustible fluid you can find will work for fuel, I think the book says they'll run fine on 82 octane or something ridiculous. so you can get fuel wherever it's cheapest and not have to worry. shit you could cut your fuel with heater kerosene or used motor oil and it'd be fine. Not that I'd recommend it, but it's good to know you don't have to worry about it.
weak points of both is the rear axle, the dana 35c won't take much for abuse. but stock tires and engine you're not likely to kill it unless you're driving a stick and you're very very violent with the clutch (I did one in with exactly that method, so it's not impossible, but it's rare).
The automatic tranny in both of the ones you're looking at is the same as the supra, so it's definitely good for some jam, just make sure you keep it cool and you'll be fine.
Any other questions just PM me and I'll help you out as best as I can.
I did forget to mention which ever I go with it will be automatic for certain. Ive herd they are pretty much bomb proof. Everyone Ive ever known with a jeep says they have had manual trans issues.
Also the rear diff. I read the chrysler(the case is flat on the bottom?) is way better than the dana. Alot of people said the dana is fine with stock sized tires though so I dont know.... I never towed anything before so Im not sure whats considered a heavy tow. I know the supra is a heavy car but is that going to push the tow limits of either cherokee? I read(Im on the jeepsunlimited.com forums lol) the real weak point is the auto trans cooler, so that would on the list to upgrade before towing.
Ive seen alot of grands with lift kits so that will be in the cards for me. Nothing major just 3" or something simple. I know the cherokee has alot more options for after market parts compared to the grand.
I guess I should prioritize what I want outa the jeep then decide from there.
1, Its gotta be reliable. my supra isnt a good DD the jeep has got to be. I only drive 8 miles to work each way, so im not looking to rack up alot of miles. I do plan road trips with it though, I cant afford to have a break down out of state lol.
(sounds like either cherokee will be ok there, with proper care of course. Maybe the grand being better for long trips?)
2, Cheap parts to fix anything that might break on it **edit** Its also gotta be easy to work on. Ill be doing all the work not paying a shop

(I think the cherokee has the edge over the grand)
3, Offroading and durability. Since I have no wheeling experience I dont want to hit a bump wrong and destroy something. Ground clearance will be the issue until I lift then should be ok either way.
(Cherokee has the edge, better stock clearence and cheaper lifts)
4, Towing, I6 has more torque but Im not towing anything major or on long hauls. If i want to take the supra to the trake it wont be a far drive. Or a trailer and 2 dirt bikes doesnt sound heavy to me?
(Grand seems better here being heavier)
5, Insurance, I dont plan to cover the jeep, just liability. If I wreck it Ill buy another, dont need the insurance to step in.
(Cherokee is cheaper)
6, Price, I want to spend around 3k to buy it. Ive had some people say buy an older cherokee for 1500 then put the other 1500 into fixxing it up and lift. They said doing that will make for a great jeep setup. On the other side, I can dump 3k on a stock Grand then slowly add lift and all that down the road as needed.
(toss up for me)