Brake Bias adjuster for road racer?

Carl Johansson

New Member
Dec 19, 2009
fresno Ca
OK Guys,
86.5 NA. gutted and turned into a 24 hours of Lemons car. Spectacular car BTW, started with a car with 175 K miles on it, did nothing to it other than ARP rod bolts, ran 15 races, about 14 - 16 hours each race. 225 hours of racing, without a single lap missed for any engine or electrical, issues. total of 20 minutes lost time. due to steering rack coming loose. car is almost always in the top 10% of finishers, with 130 - 170 cars each race, hella cool! Finally doing an engine freshening up, as we are down to 120 LBS compression in 2 cylinders.

anyway, i'm thinking I ought to put in a manual adjusting brake bias box. can get em for 35 bucks from JEGS. any body have any experience with them in a road racing situation? Car is about 3000 lbs, running 255X17 X 40 tires.

Carl Johansson
Auberry Ca


New Member
Jul 26, 2007
Good job...I would say being able to adjust the bias would definatly help, I've had mine out on a track and wish I could have had an adjustment.

Good luck next time and kick the guy responsible for the rack in the ass:)