Alright so, I went to jasper for the weekend and the poopra performed well on the way there and around town through the mountains no problems at all. On the way home I fueled with shell v-power in Hinton then again in Edson with the same shell fuel. About 150 KMs out of Edmonton the car just shuttered in fourth trying to pass someone at full boost. I immediately pulled over to check if anything obvious was wrong. I didn't see anything so I continued, shifted through all 5 gears and didn't shutter/bog performed like a champ. Then again about 75 KMs outside of Edmonton the car shuttered in fifth this time not boosting at all. There was another shell I pulled over ran the codes and had a code 25 (lean mixture). Pulled the EFI fuse and the car was great again until I got about 10 minutes from home. Once at home got the 25 code and pulled the fuse. Let the car cool down before driving my girlfriend home. After about another 3 minutes of driving the car was bogging again. I thought maybe the pump in Edson was fucked and didn't pump to full and clicked off rather early and I was almost out of gas (gas gauge doesn't work). So I went to the shell near my house and filled. The car only took about 18 liters which I thought was weird for 200 KMs of driving although it was highway KMs so I shrugged it off my shoulder. Took the car home and let sit for 5 hours. Took it out one more time to wash the bugs off the car. The car shifted through four gears with no boost and cruised at 60 km/h and was fine. Got around hit full boost in second and the car bogged once again. Limped it home again and the car now sits in the garage with the hood open and the EFI fuse out. Does anyone know what my problem is? I searched a little through the forums some notable things that came up were spark plugs, AFM, fuel pump, fuel filter, injectors, and fuel lines. Obviously all to do with fuel and fuel delivery because of the code 25 (lean mixture).
Please help... :1zhelp:
Please help... :1zhelp: