pffft fuck the powdercoating shit.... if you know can do them yourself and they will look just the same if not better....
i used the duplicolor wheel casting spray paint....
first get the wheels and clean them off really well...
then get some aircraft stripper from your local auto parts store and spray it on the wheel... this will remove the clearcoat and probably some of the paint.... make sure you get ALL the clearcoat off...otherwise they wont come out good.... if you have to do a couple of coats of the stripper...make sure the wheel is completely dull.
then clean it off really well again..... and take a palm sander and LIGHTLY go over the whole wheel and dont miss any arent trying to smooth it out here just rough it up a bit.... i would use like 800-1000 or so sandpaper...
then again clean them off really well..... now take some primer i would use the body primer you can find at an auto store.... and give it a nice LIGHT dont have to cover the whole wheel in the first coat..... let it dry about 10-15 minutes...come back and put on another light coat this time try and make sure its completely primered but dont put it on thick.....then let it dry for about 15-20 go back and put on final thin layer of primer..... and let it dry for about an hour....
after its dry take some 1200 grit sandpaper and LIGHTLY WETsand the wheel.... not trying to take anything off just trying to get it smoothed out a little....then go and clean the well really well....
now take the color of your choice and spray a thin coat on the wheel...just like the first coat of primer.... let it dry for about 10-15 minutes....come back another coat just lie the primer.... 15-20 minutes dry time.... come back with a 3rd coat and make sure all areas are covered and put this coat on SLIGHTLY thicker....let it dry for about an hour.
now come back and spray it with clearcoat...again you can get this at your local auto parts store..... a light coat and it will look kinda milky....let it dry.....then do another coat....and let it dry over night.....
and bam your done....
i did this with my wheels and i also polished the lip around them..... i got nothing but compliments on them.... dont have any closeups but heres a couple of shots...
also its good to do it this way because if you ever curb them or something you can EASILY touch them up to make them look perfect again....
hope that helps!