Black History Month.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
What does everyone think about Black History Month? I know I am a few days early, but I was walking through Sears the other day and saw a sign about BHM.
My take(no one elses):
Why should we have a BHM? If there's going to be a BHM why not a White History Month, Asian History Month or a Hispanic History Month?
I do not think that BHM promotes any sort of Unity or Equality. If BHM does anything, I think it differenciates us even more. I believe that all men are created equal, it's in the Bible. I'm not one of those stupid people that thinks BHM is racist in favor of Blacks. I just think that in the spirit of fairness and equailty that each race should have a month.

A little more about where my view is coming from.
My definition of a Racist- Anyone who sees others by the color of their skin.
I think Racism swings both ways.

Now I know I probably just started a war but I'm hoping this can discussed in a civil manner.

From Lanky189:
lanky189 said:
"I am keeping a very close eye on this thread, at the first notion of offence to a participating party the offending member will be warned of their actions and the thread's validity and my willingness to leave it open will be questioned. Don't make me close a thread of what could be a very interesting conversation amongst some very interesting people.
- Matthew (lanky189), Off Topic Moderator.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Here in Australia we've promoted Multi Cultural society to the point where the Political Correctness weenies have pushed the special interest bandwagon so far that a Local Council have voted to NOT Fly the Australian flag as it may offend a certain minority and promote racial violence.......

This insanity needs to stop.

I don't care black white red yellow green all the same to me it all comes down to the concept of a "Fair go" for all.

Here everyone has the same opportunities it just depends on what you do with them.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i think if you go back on a long enough timeline, all races have been repressed in one way or another. Im glad things are better today. I tend to think that celebrating one culture over another is wrong. I think we should celebrate humanity... or something, and only day or two maybe, a month... i dunno

also: green people suck...(sorry if theres any green ppl here) but you do...

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Yea IJ, thats messed up about not flying the Austrailian flag. If the flag offends you that means the country offends you, I say anyone that is offended by the country they live in that much should leave.
I remember this statement being said over on SF. *Something to the affect of* The USA has been known as a melting pot of many different nationalities since the day it began, slowly and now more rapidly than ever it is becoming a salad bowl. Instead of everyone melting into one nationality "American" we have become European American, African American, Asian American and blah blah blah... I think that we should just be Americans.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
the 'if theres black history month, why cant there be white history month' arguement. how awesome:rolleyes:

the other 11 months are white history month...


Supramania Contributor
Of course the Black people get the shortest month of the year :icon_razz

On a serious note there really is no point if they really wanted to make a point it should be more along the lines of overall equality between everyone.
Ideally you shouldn't even need a specific month to recognize acheivements by historical figures. People don't like to read history tho so I guess it's somewhat necessary.

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Turbo-Joe said:
the 'if theres black history month, why cant there be white history month' arguement. how awesome:rolleyes:

the other 11 months are white history month...
What do you mean, Joe?


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
each country should just have a national history month. like "american history month" and "austrailian history month" it'd all be better that way, and it'd be a lot more like a melting pot instead of the "salad" theory.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I don't want to hear bitching - The Irish only get ONE DAY, and it only perpetuates the stereotype that we're drunks.

..of course, this forum name doesn't help any, but that's not the damn point!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ you have a point.
o yea DM what about the Italians here.
im 50% Italian and 50% german.,
i should have special treatment.


LMAO!!! @ ij

Joe I see your side of the arguement, history, as its taught in the american public school system is crap. One sided, and usually they leave massive chunks of important stuff out. Too many people think the declaration of independence was signed on july 4th, not enough people know about the Korean war. George Washington Carver is hardly mentioned. The Buffalo Soldiers are nearly non-existant, so are the Tuskeegee Airmen who fought some of the most treachous battles for a country that wouldn't even let them drink from the same fountain as a white man.

However..having a month dedicated to such studies doesn't help. It simply gives the schools an excuse to leave these, and others out of the regular lessons just to be grazed over on a Bulletin board in the lunch room.

I might further ayemates question by asking this: At my local community college there is a BSA (Black Student Alliance). I often wonder what the reaction to a WSA (White Student Alliance), or MSA (Male Student Alliance) would be. {On a side note while I was attending school, there happened to be a group of students who pushed to get a sanctioned group under this name (WSA) however the school refused to sanction and sponsor that group while the BSA recieved encouragement and sponsorship.....}

It bothered my to a point, but beyond that i wasn't concerned. I had other things on my mind and other things I think more pressing.

Back to the point and in summation: Black History Month is ok, however the reason and what it gets used for is not. History is the best predication of the future we have. History DOES repeat itself, and we should all know as much as possible about our country, where it came from, how it got there, and also what other countries have gone through as well.