So, I posted a while back about a laptop password protecting. Turns out its a bit more than just an xp password. The bios is secured and wont let it boot off anything beyond the internal HD(which wont let us login to). All the boot options are locked out, cant format the disk or anything beyond looking at the bios.
I figured, open the case pull the internal battery to loose the bios settings, didnt work. I looked further and it seems theres a bios chip that holds the settings without power because theres no soldered battery.
Ive seen suggestion of putting the mobo in the freezer for a while to clear the bios chip. Anyone know anything else to try?
Its an imb thinkpad t60 or something.
I figured, open the case pull the internal battery to loose the bios settings, didnt work. I looked further and it seems theres a bios chip that holds the settings without power because theres no soldered battery.
Ive seen suggestion of putting the mobo in the freezer for a while to clear the bios chip. Anyone know anything else to try?
Its an imb thinkpad t60 or something.