Best 'Supra Spotted on TV' EVER!!!

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
So I'm sitting here surfing the web and happen to see an old episode of Cops on, so I said, what the hell, I'll watch it. (That's one of those shows that I won't go out of my way to watch but when I watch it, I love it).

Anyways, The show has started and they are in Broward County, Florida (where ever that is at...), and they've got the inview in the cop car with the cop talking and I'm just sort of daydreaming on the computer when hear him say, "83 Supra?"

I jump up like, WHAT?! :aigo: So, I'm watching. The cop car pulls up and there is this clean black MKII, with like 4 guys fighting right behind it...and guess what other car is pulled up right behind it where they were fighting?!

A MKIII Supra!!!!!! (91+) :love: :love: :love: It had the 5 star wheels on it, and the lights were on so it was obvious it was a Supra. so I was just like laughing and just too overwhelmed...and thought I'd share with you guys. :D And funny thing is, I kept watching it, and I guess a guy was trying to steal the Black MKII that was parked and the owner and his friend came back to wherever it was parked in his friends Maroon MKIII Supra and saw it being messed with.


This is great. :icon_bigg

Anyone else seen this episode? Both Supra's were hella clean so I'm assuming it was probably like a 1991 or 1992 episode or something...