Best movie of all time?????

Apr 1, 2005
jeeze.. you guys have some poor taste in movies. the departed was enjoyable but no where near the top of my list.

a couple of my favorites:
seven samurai
eyes wide shut

gosh, im surprised scarface or goodfellas hasent shone up yet. not top movies but there is always someone who swears they are.

edit: actually, fight club is one of my favorites too.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
ohh come on, 300 was great visually but the historical inaccuracies just ruined it for me. The Departed? not a bad flick at all but hardly on par with Goodfellas or The Godfather or The French Connection. You are however entitled to your opinions.

Some of the top films in my book, in no particular order, would include: Jaws, The Shining, Alien, 2001: A Space Odessy, Bladerunner, Star Wars: A New Hope, Raging Bull, Saving Private Ryan, Apocalypse Now, A Clockwork Orange, Unforgiven, Pulp Fiction, Fargo, The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List...

My Personal top 3: Star Wars: A New Hope, Jaws, Saving Private Ryan