best method to clean oil out after BHG????


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Cleveland Ohio
Hello everyone, I am just wondering what everyone else has done to clean the motor out after a BHG, I am trying to avoid rod knock, I had coolant in my oil before my head gasket job. I was think just drain the oil, put new oil in, let it run for a little bit, and do another change... would this get it all clean? or should I buy some of that seafoam? or whatever its called.


Sep 29, 2007
I pulled my motor and rebuilt the bottom end: new main and rod bearings new arp rod bolts new oil pump ect ect ect....but my motor was fairly trashed when I got into it and it was BHG when I bought it.:3d_frown:

Yours may be better off. But I dont think oil will clean it out.....doubt it

Surely someone else will chime in...:biglaugh:


2jz swapped!
Jul 17, 2005
Reno, Nevada
Problem with changing oil then running it for alittle while is your just reintroducing water in your coolant and causing a worse BHG. So basically your doing yourself no good.


Formerly Nosechunks
Feb 25, 2006
Long Island, Ny
Fletch124 said:
Problem with changing oil then running it for alittle while is your just reintroducing water in your coolant and causing a worse BHG. So basically your doing yourself no good.

im guessing hes talking about after fixing it. flushing it with oil would get most of it out but there will still most likely be a little left over.

A hot tank would be best.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 8, 2007
Baytown, Texas
Short of pulling the motor, completely disassembling it, cleaning every part, reassembling it, and reinstalling it? You'll be okay with the 2 oil changes. Water and coolant are heavier than oil, and(if you haven't drained the old oil yet[should be the last thing you do])will be sitting in the bottom of the oil pan.

Whatever damage water and coolant is going to do to the bottom end is already done. It happened just after the head gasket blew, water mixed with the oil, and got pumped through the system while it was running.

Good luck :) I've done tons of head gaskets. The only times they've had bearing issues was when they were driven for an extended time after the bhg, or severely overheated. Usually the 2 go hand in hand.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
What you DON'T want to do is run the same oil after a BHG...Suprabones has the right idea. To rid the oil system of coolant, just change it, run for 20-30 miles and change again. Head down to Walmart, grab some SuperTech 5W-30 and SuperTech filter for the flush....then change to the oil of your choice (a 30W multigrade) and good filter (Wix or PureOne). Whatever small amount coolant that is left will be burned off and exhausted out the PCV.

Edit: LOL...beat me to it ;)


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I've been told that spraying everything down and into the oil passages with WD-40 will dispace any water and flush it down to the pan where it can be drained...

still have to do the oil change and start up cranking until you get pressure though, so dunno how much it would actually help...


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Cleveland Ohio
I am sorry for not being precise on my first post, I have JDM 7mge I installed, I put a brand new oil pump, water pump, timing belt, serpentine belts, oil pan, I am running all the turbo electronics, I just had the headgasket blow on my motor, and I am pretty good at inspecting my coolant levels and motor oil before I drive my car. I just noticed a small amount of a whitish / brown color under the oil cap... So right away I parked the car and started tearing it down... I put in ARP headstuds, Ajusa metal HG, decked the head .002 and lapped it, I lapped the valves, scraped the block and cleaned it till it was almost a mirror finish, I dont plan on running turbo at all, I am in process of building ITB's (I am a machinist by profession) and going standalone like a megasquirt or something. so now before I get the car on the road again, I was just wondering what the process of getting the coolant out of the oil would be like, Jdub you answered my question exactly how I was going to do it.. guess I am doing something right :evil2: