well i going to need 2 pumps soon or one big one
well i got deal on this guy http://www.aeromotiveinc.com/pdetail.php?prod=3
but i don't want to add a sump to my tank nore do i wana spend a shit load on fitting's and lines
so i was thinking of useing it as booster pump in my eninge bay
i know this in not great idea nd may kill the pump but will it for fact kill a pump
give me some idea that why not cost a arm and leg to install this thing
well i got deal on this guy http://www.aeromotiveinc.com/pdetail.php?prod=3
but i don't want to add a sump to my tank nore do i wana spend a shit load on fitting's and lines
so i was thinking of useing it as booster pump in my eninge bay
i know this in not great idea nd may kill the pump but will it for fact kill a pump
give me some idea that why not cost a arm and leg to install this thing