for some time now i sean this qestion get poped up here and there but all ways the same thing and relocating the batteri any one can do that no really solved the issue of the back draw in a simple maner with single pull nhra rated switch why don't they make 2 pull i have not a freaking clue
so this is the idea i have come up with
if you have duble pull switch all you do is add in sinode in to the main feed and trigger it form the switch
here is the do's and don'ts on batteri relocation
use at lest 2 gauge wire 4 agauge wire can do 135ish amps at 12 feet but you are pushing the limt of that wire ps this is with good none crappy aulim/tin wire
never run wire by sharpe edges inside or out side of car if runing by a sharp edge use plastic sheeth or rubber house
never run wire thou a hole that you made with out a grommet if there's gromet can be had use good amonte of tape on the wire or use a rubber hose or plastic sheeth make shure there is no play with the wire
all way's run a fuse next to the draw sorces rated for the draw that the car is maken or to protect the wire it's self
if doing ground there is really 2 wasy of doing it
1 run ground form batteri forword to the engine
2 run ground to frame rail then frame rail to motor
ps you can run breaker if you want instead of fuse cause waffer fuse some times cost a bit of money
wire choise
insaid of the car audio wire or welding cable under car use welding cable never audio wire use fine stand since it's easyer to work with
fi some one wants to add in some stuff i for got go right ahead
so this is the idea i have come up with
if you have duble pull switch all you do is add in sinode in to the main feed and trigger it form the switch
here is the do's and don'ts on batteri relocation
use at lest 2 gauge wire 4 agauge wire can do 135ish amps at 12 feet but you are pushing the limt of that wire ps this is with good none crappy aulim/tin wire
never run wire by sharpe edges inside or out side of car if runing by a sharp edge use plastic sheeth or rubber house
never run wire thou a hole that you made with out a grommet if there's gromet can be had use good amonte of tape on the wire or use a rubber hose or plastic sheeth make shure there is no play with the wire
all way's run a fuse next to the draw sorces rated for the draw that the car is maken or to protect the wire it's self
if doing ground there is really 2 wasy of doing it
1 run ground form batteri forword to the engine
2 run ground to frame rail then frame rail to motor
ps you can run breaker if you want instead of fuse cause waffer fuse some times cost a bit of money
wire choise
insaid of the car audio wire or welding cable under car use welding cable never audio wire use fine stand since it's easyer to work with
fi some one wants to add in some stuff i for got go right ahead
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