So I am parking my 05 Taurus and the nose just scrapes a pile of snow/ice that I thought was not tall enough to do so. I back up and find power steering fluid all over the pile. Great, so I punctured a line. I check it out, sure enough it's punctured. Then I realize the bumper cover is cracked, and that my a/c condenser's lower fins were badly damaged. So I start patching it up. My hand dumped the condenser a little but not bad. Suddenly I hear a rush of air and fluid starts coming out. Great it's punctured i'm thinking. No, worse. I started the car and checked my transmission oil level and it was going down as the fluid leaked, out of the bottom of the radiator. So now I have no car and have to pay to fix all of this
. Because of that one little problem I also did not get to do any work to the Supra.