Back end movement problems???

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New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Ok I am going to ask everyone for their advice here.

Here is my delima. I replaced my right rear wheel bearing a few weeks back. I drove on the car with out an alignment for about 4 days. I took the car to the alignment shop, they aligned all 4 wheels back to facotry specs. As it turns out, only 2 wheels were out of alignment. The passanger side front and the drivers side rear.

The car was driving perfect for 2 days after having the alignment done. The gradually I had noticed that the rear of the car would slide to the drivers side upon shifting, and slide to the passanger side when I let off the gas. At first I thought it was my imagination. As days followed the problem became worse. Now at any speed, even If I am at a constant speed, I put the clutch in, and then let it out, the back end of the car will jerk to the drivers side, when I let go of the gas, the back end will jerk to the passanger side. The car will go straight as an arrow, unless it hits a bump, then it will swerve in the back.

I took the car back into the alignment shop, they checked over the suspension bolts made sure everything was tight, realigned the car twice, then they noticed that the Drivers side lower ball joint was worn bad and the wheel would shake. Thinking this was the problem, I ordered up a new one, had it installed. The alignment shop realigned the car for free again as the guy felt bad he missed the bad ball joint during the first alignment. The ball joint did not cure the problem. The car still does the same thing.

The alignment shop also went for a test drive with someone that specializes in transmissions incase it was a transmission issue, but everything is nice and tight.

Any ideas as to what this gremlen could be?

For now, the car is sitting inside the alignment shop while they are working on it for free.

Thanks in advance,

Mike Nikolai


Workin' Man
Mar 30, 2005
La Villa Strangiato
Get under the rear of the car with a flashlight and look at the sub-frame. Check around the were the drive shaft enters the diff. You might have a cracked sub-frame. :dunno:


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Also be worth checking the big bastard nut on the stub axle as from memory it had to be close to 200 ft/lbs and a new nut fitted then peened into the recesses each time it's removed!
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