Well to sum things up, my B+ Circuit is on an acid trip. with the key turned it gets 1.25v. With the key off, battery disconnected, it has continuity with the body.... So I started tracing the harness. Battery -> EFI is good... EFI -> EA2 is good... but from there it all goes wrong.
I've disconnected the ISCV, the ECU, the circuit opening relay... still B+ is grounded. A few other notes
1) The circuit opening relay harness (relay side of B1) is grounded as well when unplugged from B1... wtf?
2) I can't seem to find my f$#%ng VSVs. Is it possible the cocks who sold me my motor didn't include those? Are they needed to finish the circuit?
Here's a breakdown of my B+ Line as far as I can tell:
Battery -> EFI Relay -> EA2 ->Joins with The Black/Orange wire from the igniter -> Check Connector -> Circuit Opening Relay & ECU
Any ideas men?
I've disconnected the ISCV, the ECU, the circuit opening relay... still B+ is grounded. A few other notes
1) The circuit opening relay harness (relay side of B1) is grounded as well when unplugged from B1... wtf?
2) I can't seem to find my f$#%ng VSVs. Is it possible the cocks who sold me my motor didn't include those? Are they needed to finish the circuit?
Here's a breakdown of my B+ Line as far as I can tell:
Battery -> EFI Relay -> EA2 ->Joins with The Black/Orange wire from the igniter -> Check Connector -> Circuit Opening Relay & ECU
Any ideas men?