I bought a boost guage around 2 weeks ago from 935, at first it worked fine, but now the needle sits below 0 when the car is off, and it as about 4-5 psi off from my evc4 reading and the stock guage, is there a way to correct it?
I would contact the seller, but I would say the gauge is off. Is it a tight fit in the mounting hole? If so, this is what could have messed it up. Mec. gauges don't like being "squeezed", it puts a bind on the moving parts and jacks them up.
mechanical autometer boost gauges are known for doing that. mine tends to do it if i dont boost all day. if i boost a lot the next day it kind of goes back to where its supposed to be.
it wouldnt be anything to do with oil from blowby filling up the back of the gauge? (just thinking of what air is getting pushed to the gauge) Has anyone had problems with a smokey engine and a sticking gauge?
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