When i shift my transmission into drive or reverse the car jerks. I did a transmission flush but its still doing it. Anything else that could be causing it? Tranny going bad? bad fluid? any help is appreciated.
Your cable connect to the throttle and trans could be adjusted wrong. Some people have locked theirs all the down inside the trans. This is also a mistake. But that could be for a different thread.
Too much pressure makes for a harsh shift. Does it do it in all gears, or first and reverse only? That is important.
Mine does jerks to especially when the car is cold, it'll jerk in when put into any drive gear (R, D, 2, L), when the car is fully warmed up it won't do it, although I haven't done a flush yet though I should, I know its got a little to much fluid, but ill do it after I finish moving.
need to adjust shifter linkage. my ford had that problem. just checked haynes manual also. all automatics have linkage from the shifter to the tranny. sometimes they have to be adjusted from wear and tear. if this isnt the problem then it could be in the drivetrain but it would probably have a bad vibration if something was loose or warn out. hope this helps some
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