The way I see it is like this: A 2JZ has X sensors. It needs THOSE sensors to run. The harness hooks up to these sensors, electronics, etc. The other end of the harness goes to the ECU. Now, whether you have one end hooked to the sensors and the other to an Aristo or Supra ECU shouldn't matter. A harness should have connectors for all of the same electronics, sensors, etc, as the 2JZ is run a certain way. I severely doubt that a 1995 2JZ from a Supra and an Aristo have different sensors, no matter how different the additional ECU plug may be. If you have a Supra harness and Supra ECU, but an Aristo engine, why would there be a problem [unless you got a VVTi engine] aside from a few minor things [AFM instead of MAP, different impedance injectors]?