About 2 years ago, I tried to tighten my gas pedal, as it seemed to flex way too much. Well, the upper bolt stripped where it was threaded into the weld nut, and so it would just turn, not loosening or tightening, and I couldn't remove it. Well, I got smart, and I put a Second nut on the firewall side, where the good threads were sticking out, so that I could tighten up the bolt. I was able to remove the lower bolt, and replace it with a stronger one, and did the same nut-fix to the firewall side of it as well. The problem is, that not just the mount bracket, but it seems that also the firewall metal, is flexing. When I step on the pedal, it twists slightly to the left(towards the brake pedal), by maybe 2-3mm. Has anyone ever had this problem? I intend to remove the pedal completely, reinforce the bracket with upper and lower welded-on plates, and am considering welding an entire backing plate to it, to increase its contact area with the firewall, to increase it's rigidity. Just curious if anyone else has had to modify their gas pedal for more strength.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.