Anyone ever MC'd a wedding


May 7, 2005
Surrey BC
A very good friend of mine has asked me to be the master of ceremonies at his upcoming wedding. its in june so ive got lots of time. But, like i said, hes a very dear friend of mine who has always been there for me, no matter what the situation, so i owe it to him and his bride to absolutly rock this thing.

Im looking for stories on past experiances, tips, do's and do not's, even suggestions on good books to pick up. Ive been all over google and its quite helpful, but i still need as much info as i can get. Any and all help is greatly appriciated.



Boosted member
Jul 5, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Be casual. Everyone's family and friends. Don't make it seem like a business conference. If you've ever done any public speaking before, it helps. If not, just don't worry about it. don't stress out about it, once you start talking, it comes easy. Small jokes go over well.

Ask the bride and groom for a rough itinerary of how they want things to unfold.

Things like:

seating for dinner
xxx comes up to talk
xxx comes up to talk

If they aren't sure, then help them. Get a list of friends and family members that they wish to come up, and speak.

You would be surprised how the job pretty much runs itself once you start calling people up to say a few words. While it will a somewhat structured schedule you will be following, don't make it seem structured. The key is for people to have a good time. Things like "You have 5 minutes to speak, no more, no less" don't really go over well.

Don't drink too much. By all means, have some drinks, but if you're too incoherent to understand what you're doing, you're not going to have a positive outcome.

Since you've known the guy for some time, prepare a few stories of him that you can use to fill in any dead space. Embarrassing ones are always the best in my opinion, but MAKE SURE you're not going to offend anyone.

I used to DJ professionally, and did quite a few weddings. I've also MC'd a wedding or two as well.