Well I attempted to make my oil feed line. I bought aeroquip lines and fittings. I've read how to do it and how some people say it wasnt bad and some say they had to use effort.
Well i've spent the last 3 1/2 hours trying to get 1 fitting on. I finally managed to get the fitting over the hose but for it to screw down to the other fitting i've had 0 luck. I used Dr. J's method and other methods to be at step 1 1/2. I have the steel fittings to use and they have the brass type ferrell thing in the fitting to flare the hose. Needless to say even with some minor drilling it still wouldnt slip over.. I used alot of oil as well. and as i'm pushing and pulling the SS line thru the fitting the hose insides the ss moved back about an inch.
I hate to say it but this is a true PITA and I suppose I will pay someone to build my lines. lost 5 inches of my 3 foot feed so far. Still got plenty so I'm stopping and hope to see what I can do. May not be able to do nothing because I work m-f 730am-6pm only weekends off
Well i've spent the last 3 1/2 hours trying to get 1 fitting on. I finally managed to get the fitting over the hose but for it to screw down to the other fitting i've had 0 luck. I used Dr. J's method and other methods to be at step 1 1/2. I have the steel fittings to use and they have the brass type ferrell thing in the fitting to flare the hose. Needless to say even with some minor drilling it still wouldnt slip over.. I used alot of oil as well. and as i'm pushing and pulling the SS line thru the fitting the hose insides the ss moved back about an inch.
I hate to say it but this is a true PITA and I suppose I will pay someone to build my lines. lost 5 inches of my 3 foot feed so far. Still got plenty so I'm stopping and hope to see what I can do. May not be able to do nothing because I work m-f 730am-6pm only weekends off